SIYAPATHA is now at your fingertips!

    The Media Circle of D. S. Senanayake College with a grand record of achievements has been successfully conducting the proud school based newspaper Siyapatha for 23 years. In short, Siyapatha is a trilingual newspaper published by the Media Circle of D. S. Senanayake College every term. Our school Newspaper can mainly be seen as a mirror that reflects Senanayakian creativity. Every term, our Senanayakian brothers write their essays, poems as well as drawings to enrich our newspaper. As the school Media society, we do our best to produce a quality newspaper that is reputed not only in our school, but island-wide as well. 

    We are launching Siyapatha as an online newspaper allowing you to check out our school newspapers from 7 years ago in an instant. Siyapatha is now fingertips away from your reach.

Short Film of Siyapatha

Siyapatha 1st Term Edition 2023

Siyapatha First Term Edition 2023

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Siyapatha 2nd Term Edition 2023

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